We would love for you to be a part of the Camp Clayton family, which is why becoming a leader is a great idea. Whether you have a passion for working with young people or are searching for a new way to serve, there are so many reasons why leading may suit you. We thought we would bring to you our top 8 reason’s why leading at Camp is the best! Read on for us to convice you to lead at Camp!
1. Connect with Kids
We are starting off with the best reason to lead at Camp, which is to connect with kids! Connecting with kids is one of the most rewarding parts of being a leader at Camp Clayton. As a leader, we are given the opportunity to walk alongside children from all walks of life and get to know their unique personalities through enjoyable activities. Although there may be a considerable age gap between ourselves and the campers, building relationships that last a lifetime should not be an issue!

2. Meet New People
One of the best parts about Camp is all of the people you get to meet! Having the opportunity to get to know other volunteers from a vast age group is a great experience, especially when you find yourself creating lasting memories and authentic relationships. Camp Clayton is built upon multiple generations of volunteers, yet we want you to be a part of the family too! Becoming a leader is the best way to become involved and to build new relationships.
3. A Week without Technology
Yep, you heard me correctly – a week without technology. Although it may be a scary idea, there are numerous reasons as to why a week without technology can be entirely beneficial. Having no access to technology at camp for a week gives us the opportunity to connect with the people around us without any distractions. No notifications, no incoming calls, just one on one communication. However, if having a week without your phone is a bit too scary, there is the opportunity to use it for a sneaky hour in the middle of the week.
4. Serve for a Greater Purpose
Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
Galations 6:10 (MSG)
There are multiple verses in the Bible instructing us to do good to others, as well as to serve God and His Kingdom. Leading at Camp Clayton is an awesome way to give back to the community and have an impact on the lives of those around you. If you are feeling called to serve for a greater purpose, consider leading at camp as a great option.

5. Change Lives
At Camp Clayton, we believe that a single week contains the power to change lives! As leaders, we spend a week with these children, but unfortunately, some of these kids come from difficult home lives or backgrounds. The impact that we can have on these kids’ lives just by showing them love and kindness is astonishing and we will never be able to fully measure the true impact we are having on them. Being a leader is much more than looking after kids for a week. Being a leader is about changing lives. Why not join us to be a part of this movement?
6. A Week of Fun
There’s no two ways about it, being a leader is so much fun! Nothing is more enjoyable than being able to match the enthusiasm of a group of young children for a week, creating the best friendships and engaging in an array of carefully planned activities. Whether it’s flying down the zip line, playing a game of dodge ball or a fun round of spotlight, the programming team excel when it comes to creating engaging activities. At the end of Camp you will find yourself reflecting on the amazing week you have had, and all of the excitement you experienced.

As you can see, leading at Camp Clayton is such a rewarding experience. Camp is the place to build upon our faith, change lives and foster new connections. If after reading this blog you feel called to lead at Camp, make sure to get in contact with one of our awesome Ministry Coordinators Caleb or Kelsey, or head here to find out about training.
We cannot wait to see you leading here at camp!
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17